
Monday, July 29, 2013

camping... how I found some poison ivy

Our church hosted a campout for families  last weekend.  They have this little pond and field that made the perfect campsite.  They said they has close to 200 people RSVP, but It was super hot.  It was so hot, so hot that only about 60 of us stayed.  I used to like camping.

The next morning we had a fishing tournament.  We didn't catch a thing, but others caught some real big ones!

 Hubby's parents came over for the fishing morning and brought some tackle equipment and poles for us to use.   My patience after being and sleeping so hot was thin and I packed up the campsite while they fished.  I packed and packed and then announced fishing was over.
Somehow in all this hot fun, I found the one leaf of poison ivy in the whole place and this week I broke out in those painful poison bumps.  If you've had it before, you know.  Itchy itchy pain. 

I'm complaining but it really was lots of fun and we hung out with friends and had the closest thing to a slumber party I've been to in 15 years.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Climbing up the walls

I forced my home-body kids to participate in one camp this year.  I thought rock climbing would be easiest to 'force' someone to have fun at.

They both have enjoyed climbing in the past so I thought it might be our best bet.  I think we found Bee's sport!  She loved it!

Three hours a day for a whole week will wear you out!  They slept so well that week!

That's all I have to say about this, so just enjoy another dozen pictures of my little monkeys.

This is one of the harder walls at the facility.  Bee wanted so badly to get past the 'overhang'.  Maybe next time!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

its been a wet summer

 The kids got underwater cameras for their birthdays. 

I love that they have summer birthdays!

 It's been a wet summer so the cameras were perfect.

We've had them in the pool. 

We took them to the water park.

We're basically just fish right now.  Happy fish.  Or scared fish, Bee looks a little scared here.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

birthday girl

Yeah, so somehow that girl of mine turned 8.  I can't even go there.  She was a tiny tot like last month.  Anyway, Instead of a party, she wanted a week of special things.  She's smart, that girl of mine.  We took a friend to do something with us each day and had a great week.  A long week.   The first day we took one friend to the Y to swim, the next day we went to the dollar movies and lunch.

Another day, we took a friend to the theme park.  Another day we took a friend ice-skating.

and then just had friends over to swim and play.

On her birthday, we took her to her favorite restaurant which is a local Mongolian grill.  It's delicious!  You've got to go when the owner is working, he seasons it up better than we can on our own.

In the evening, we went to see the Beauty and the Beast musical. It was terrific.  It was long and made for a late evening, but it was really good.

I wanted one nice picture.