
Monday, March 22, 2010

April donation item

I'm torn on whether to post about the items I make for donations. I think that if I do, it might help keep me accountable. I decided that this year I would make and donate at least 1 item a month. So far, it's been easy finding something that needed donations. In fact, I haven't had to seek anything out, the opportunities have just come to me. I have already finished April's. I'm thinking it's OK to count this as Aprils item since it's for a charity auction in April and March's item is done and delivered. This lovely little apron will be part of a silent auction for a school in town.


  1. I think it's okay to post about the items you are donating. You may be able to draw attention to some organizations that are in need and encourage the rest of us to get busy with our charitable sewing!

  2. Very nice idea.The apron is very neat.

    Love Always,


  3. That is a very pretty apron. I think it is a good item for a donation.


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