
Saturday, April 28, 2012

garage sales

I will admit to the kids bringing home some junk this week, but it's all part of the fun for them. Plus, they spend very little money at the sales.  I just have to go through their rooms at a later date and 'clean things out for them.'  There was a huge neighborhood sale on Friday and we didn't have school Friday, so we felt like we were early birds all day!

Bee did get this nice vet set that she has been keeping her eye on at the store.  She got it for $2.  When we got home, so discovered there were 2 of every item.  (I got talking with the family and the little girl -now in 6th grade- went to the preschool where I teach.  She was even in my same room. )

Here are Bee's other purchases.  The aloe plant was $1 and everything else was a quarter combined  (cough, cough, junk).  I have had to take away the perfume as I think I am allergic to it.  It's Clinique Happy- and it makes me sneeze.

I bought this lego set for Lou, but when we got it home we discovered it isn't Lego brand and doesn't even fit quiet right with his Legos.  It will probably go in our sale this summer. For $1, I was too excited to examine it closely.  My bad.

Here are Lou's purchases (cough, cough, junk) which he paid a quarter for combined!  The little plastic trophy has been the favorite.

It's hard to buy adult sized pants at a sale, but these 'dressy shorts' happened to be from my favorite store- the one that's a little too expensive for me to shop -except under the best clearance sales, so I knew the size and knew if would fit me.  The shirts are from the same store.  The shoes matched perfectly and are from the same store too.  For $5 total, I was pretty much happy about this find.  

I also found my normal pile of books.  Most turned out to be AR, which always makes me happy.  They were 25 cents each from several different stops. 

This coming weekend, a few churches on the main road in our area are all having sales.  We never find kids things at those, but I always find books and craft supplies.   Also-  hubby has been pretty insistent that I organize the basement room where I store my preschool things (he has a work bench in the back of the room that he can not get to easily right now) and now I have some extra spots on my shelves- more room for more collections!


  1. Thanks for sharing your finds! I always love looking at what other people find at garage sales. It looks like you got some pretty good deals (great deals on the clothes!) The kids toys do look like they could be fun even if they are "junk". Too bad you are allergic to Clinque Happy. I love that fragrance but am too cheap to buy it from the store. It's pretty expensive. It's still a little chilly up here so garage sales aren't in full swing yet. Can't wait until they are (usually after Labor day).

  2. I love the treasures you can find at garage sales! Thanks for showing your finds.


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