
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter

Happy Easter from our family to yours.

Goodness, how they grow...

Easter 2008

Easter 2009

Easter 2010

Easter 2011 
Easter 2012

Friday, March 29, 2013

Easter Eggs

 I have a hundred photos ready to go.  All computers are up and running, and appropriate software.  We're in business now!  Here's the first items:  Ukrainian Eggs. 

I've written about them before.  
eggs in 2010
more 2010 eggs
eggs in 2011

I must not have gotten them out last year, but the kids were begging to make them this year.

The kids are getting good!  Here's Bee's purple egg.

 And Lou's orange egg.

And my eggs.

For a full explanation on these eggs, see my post in 2010.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

dog people

Things are getting friendlier at our house. 

The dog and the cats are pretty civil with each other now.

 He's not getting any tidier with his eating though.

This silly dog has turned us all into dog people.  sheesh. 

 Look at how cute this little guy is. He likes to sleep with a pillow.
And looks how he gives hugs.  Head down, rear up. 

It was raining today, so we made him a jacket.  I think it looks like a hunting jacket.  I'm not sure hubby is a fan of the coat, but Tippy doesn't seem to mind it at all. 

He's so good on a leash.  Even little Bee can handle him on a walk.

Bee had a sick day last week and she and I watched several episodes of Dog Whisperer.  We're pretty much experts now. 

Friday, March 15, 2013

a tear free mama

I was pretty sure I'd cry a bucketful of tears the day Lou got a haircut, a short haircut, where we lost the curls.   This winter, the curls turned to puff and it was time for them to go.  I was surprisingly calm about it.  It was Lou who cried a bucketful of tears.

He was crying, "I don't even know who I am anymore!"   Happily, a few days later, he's embraced the short cut and says he's not going back.  I am tempted to let it grow a little this summer and see what happens.  It was like those curls were there one day and gone the next.  (This is our sweet hair girl, cake girl, chicken friend, good buddy who agrees to come to our house to cut our hair!)

It's short.  Short.  and he's all grown up all of a sudden.  But those curls, oh those sweet curls had turned to puff and he kept getting called a girl.  

Looks at those locks!

This muscle picture is like two weeks ago, pre haircut.   

This one is last week. He gained about three years.

Oh, they're both so big.  Ok, now I might cry. 

Sunday, March 10, 2013

pattern testing- the full cardigan

I showed just a portion of a picture of Bee in a new item I sewed up the other night.  I can show you the full thing now.  It's trendy and cute and looks great on Bee, who is rather fashion forward all of a sudden. 

I tested this draped cardigan out for my buddy at Happy Together.  She has a giveaway going on right now to win your very own copy.  It ends sometime this week, I don't think she said a day for sure.  If you're too late, it's available in her shop, here.  It's pretty versatile, Bee just likes her clothes fitted at least at the waist. 

The pattern was easy to use, well written, and super well documented with photos along the way.   The pattern has sizes 18 months through size 14.  You could make them for every little girl in the neighborhood.

So, this fabric was from my friend Melissa (she sells adorable kids jewelry and items here at Emmi and Olive).  I grabbed it thinking I'd make a skirt for myself out of it.  The stripe isn't white and it isn't cream. I wasn't sure I'd ever match it with a top.   The reverse of this knit fabric is pretty cool too.

(I did a little something with this old bench we have in the living room.  I'll have to share another day.)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

teacher jumper refashion

It's a teacher jumper refashion... at night... in the basement... Photos are the appropriate quality for a nighttime basement photo shoot.

Here's the before.  I used to wear this teacher jumper all the time. My mom got it for me at least 12 years ago. She used to really like to shop at Christopher Banks.  I have an apple one, a denim one, and a fuzzy cat one.  It used to have a short sleeve blue jacket with it. I'm not sure where that's gone to.

I actually like the fabric.  It's sort of a thin cream linen with little children playing outside.  I knew I wanted to do a little remake with it but it has sat in my in-progress basket for at least three years.  I don't know why it took so long to get it out because this redo took half an hour tops.

I'll be wearing it again this spring!  I chopped in off just above the knee and used that fabric to create a belt and two ruffles.  Nothing fancy.   I had hoped to be able to add a little sleeve, but this was literally every scrap available.

This has be excited to tackle other projects just waiting in the basket!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

pattern testing

Bee's sporting a new garment from a pattern that I'm testing for my buddy at Happy Together.  I can't wait to share the full piece.  It's darling and I loved working with one of Jessica's patterns again. 

Thankfully Bee like this piece.  It's a little classic for Bee who these days prefers shopping at Justice.  I pretty much want to vomit when we walk by the store, but if it's neon and has a graphic design on the front, she's in.