
Sunday, May 19, 2013

We're all graduating

My little friends graduated last week.  The school year is over for us.

It was a great year with them.  They were a delightful group and man oh man, did they learn and grow this year.  It was one of the most years of growth I'd say I've seen from a class o'mine.  Probably for me too as a teacher.

They graduated and left... and I'm doing the same. 

I'm leaving preschool too. I found a job teaching third grade. I'll miss my little bitty friends, but I'm ready to get back to the big kids.  I've taught third grade before, but it's been awhile... I'm excited. 

That's me in the firefighter gear at preschool waving bye. 

I spent some time after preschool was out observing different teachers and spending time in the new building.   I get my curriculum in a few days and have all summer to get into it.  I'm learning all about common core but was pleasantly surprised to find the science and social studies standards are the same ones I taught with years ago.  I am thankful for pinterst.  I told my sister (also a teacher) back when I started teaching, we really didn't even use the internet as a resource- you had to use magazines and books.  It's different now!  My summer reading list is already filling up with books about daily 5 an the CAFE strategies.  There are a lot of great things about this new opportunity, but one of the best parts is that many of the families and friends I've made at preschool will go to my school and I'll see them again! 

I still have a few preschool related things from this spring to share here, but there won't be anymore sensory bins and table activities and preschool finger plays around here after the next few weeks.  In the summer, my blog turns to garden and travel and things about my own kids anyway.  In the fall though, I guess I'll start sharing big kid school stuff. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you're going up and I'm going down! I'm going to 4th and 5h grade to start a French program. I too don't know what the heck I did before the internet. We had the internet, I'm not that ancient, but we didn't really go there for resources! are you staying in the same school? It sounds like it which will be nice. Love that auditorium!!!


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