
Friday, December 4, 2009

pancakes in a jar

I pulled out some old Family Fun magazines to look for Christmas ideas. Here's one from like 1998. Pancake mix in a jar. The kids helped me make up a big batch and we put them in 1 quart canning jars for gifts.

Here's our card we attached with the directions once you get it home.

They cook up really nice. I had to add a little more dry mix than the directions said, I'll have to remember to mention that when we give these away.

Here's what goes in the bog bowl. This made 2 1-quart jars. We added the wheat germ and flax seed meal and went a little less with the sugar.

5 cups flour
1 1/2 c whole grain flour
1 c corn meal
1/4 c wheat germ
1/4 c flax seed meal
1/3 c sugar
2 T +2 t baking powder
2 t salt

Add: 1 1/4 c milk and 2 eggs

On another note: We have the largest bowl of peanuts on the counter right now. Lou won a guessing contest at the library and won a large jar of peanuts. 617 in fact. He guessed 6, I wrote 600. Teamwork.


  1. The pancakes sound super. They probably are not as tasty as those Belgian waffles you make. They will be great gifts. I am making Heavenly Hot Sauce to give to two neighbors. I bought decorative plastic jars at the dollar store for containers. Now I am worried they might cause the chocolate sauce to taste. I will certainly let it cool before using the jars.

  2. The pancakes look great.

    Wow--that's a lot of peanuts. Personally I'm not crazy about peanuts unles they are covered with chocolate and a candy shell.

  3. forgot to add

    Love Always,



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