
Friday, February 26, 2010

Pioneer Woman Cooks and so am I

My great neighbors gave me the Pioneer Woman Cooks book for my birthday and I have been loving it and cooking a bunch of the recipes. the subtitle should be 'butter'. I love that some measurements are given by how much you want your rear to jiggle. Regardless, it's good food. really good food. This is why I go to the gym.
Chicken fried steak:

Marlboro man's favorite sandwich:

Sour cream pancakes:

Macaroni and Cheese:

It seems like there have been others, we just gobble them up before I can take a picture.


  1. I'd like one of those biscuits right now. I am reading PW's old blogs. I have read 1996 and I'm doing January 1997. I've read all of High Heels to Tractor Wheels.
    I am ready for a Trivia night on PW.
    I know the family is enjoying your birthday gift.

  2. What can I woman is a godess. The different dishes looked good enough to print and eat. I didn't do it, but thought about it alot.

    Love Always,


  3. That macaroni and cheese looks to die for!

    I may be coming down to visit sooner than I thought if Pioneer Woman will be cooking :)


Thanks for stopping by!