
Monday, February 8, 2010


Like every other kid in school, Bee's Valentine party is next week. She was busy making valentines this weekend. A reader sent us a box of little candy canes to make into valentines. We intended to melt them in the oven and make hearts to top cupcakes, but these little guys were tricky. I couldn't take the wrappers off without breaking them in a dozen pieces.
We went with plan B.

On the indie, the cards reads: "You're so sweet." Bee added her name.

Lou was very excited to help with the glue part.

The more the better, apparently.

Bee used much less glue.

I would have loved to make the following Valentines for her whole class, but we decided to stick with just the neighbor girls (and one special preschool friend that we'll sneak it to so no one else sees).
These circles read, "We make a good pair." Bee wanted to add some glitter. Lou wanted glitter too, apparently again, the more the better.

Cute sock valentines.

Who am I kidding, that reader who sent the candy canes was my Grandma.


  1. You can never have too much glitter!

    Love Always,

    (a faithful reader)

  2. Looks like so much fun and so creative too! I love the sock Valentine's!


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