
Saturday, July 10, 2010

homemade pop tarts

All the preparations for Bee's tea party are well underway. We decided instead of having birthday cake, we'd have a dessert bar of sorts. I've prepared and frozen away at least 6 desserty treat kind of items including these homemade pop tarts; these 'where have you been my whole life' pop tarts; these 'really? honey, you made these pop tarts.' Seriously good pop tarts. I just typed 'pap' tarts... that's something different entirely I'm sure.

Back to the pop tarts. Let's give them the fair attention they so rightfully deserve. I found this recipe here from smitten kitchen which I found via prudent baby. They were a good bit of work for just a handful of pop tarts, but they are delicious! My poor kids had no clue what I was talking about when I said we were making pop tarts, but when I mentioned dough and icing, they were on board. Oh yes, this is why I ran on that stupid treadmill this morning!

I made these mini. They are about 2 inches by 3 inches at the most. We decided to make strawberry filling and chocolate. I followed the recipe for the filling using the strawberry jam we made recently. I made up some icing using fresh strawberries and powdered sugar. Oh it's good. For the chocolate ones, we melted some chocolate chips and used those. They have a plain icing with some sprinkles.

Here's the cake Bee asked for. Like her mama, she makes a sketch and thinks it can be so. I reminded her that mommy doesn't buy cakes. She looked perplexed that I couldn't have made that cake. I have several talents, but God did not intend for me to be a cake decorator. At least not until I take that Wilton class I've been eying.


  1. I think they start with a drawing on the Food channel. I like her idea. I know she is so very excited about the tea party coming. I'm sure the pop tarts will be delicious and a hit.

  2. My problem with pop tarts is that they don't have much inside. Yours look like they have a good amount of filling. They look very good.

    Love Always,


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