
Saturday, May 28, 2011

more yard sales

Here are last Saturday's sale finds.  First up are Bee's finds.  I'm struggling with finding a balance between letting her spend her money however she wants and telling her what not to buy.  I usually try to gently guide and influence her spending, but often when we are discussing an item, the seller just gives it to her for marks it down to pennies.  I have decided I'll just get to resell the junk purchases.  

She bought the barbie for $1, the snake for 25 cents, the basket for 10 cents, the teapot for 25 cents (that's one of the purchases I was telling her not to spend $2 on and suddenly it was only 25 cents.  the little fabric box was also the same story and ended up being 50 cents.  Then she was out of money.

Here are my purchases.  Basket for 50 cents, iron on transfer paper for 50 cents, two pattern for 10 cents each, a zipper for a nickel and a hoop for 50 cents. Big spender.

Here are Lou's purchases:  two transformers fresh from their Mickey D's wrappers for 50 cents a piece.  The seller was collecting them and they were all numbered and labeled.  He ripped the plastic right off after buying.  The football and velcro glove was 25 cents courtesy of a nice grandmotherly type lady who wanted to give it to him. I insisted on him purchasing it.

Here's hubby purchase:  an old Nintendo 64, just for messing around  for $20.   He got some counter top pieces for free.  He installed them before I could even take a picture.

We ended up stopping by a friends yard sale and she gave us a bag of goodies, just for being us. That, or she was tired of sitting outside and wanted things gone.  Anyway, two dressed and two tops and one pair of shoes for Bee.  We tried the black and red dress on when we got home and I realized that it was going to bee too short this winter.  I shortened the sleeve and now she can wear it right away.  The top is velvet, so maybe we'll save it for the days when it's not crazy hot.

I love seeing the good deals that others are getting at yard sales.  Here's another blog that I follow where she shares her finds each week:  Jess at The Preschool Experiment has a good eye for the same kinds of things I'm searching for.  She also shares some really fun preschool ideas on her blog that she uses at home with her little people.  I don't know where she lives, but I'm pretty sure we'd rock some sale if we could shop together.  Plus, she's a reader here, so that makes her extra cool.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the link back! :) I love garage sales. It is one of my favorite things to do in the summer. You had some great finds this week. I love the dresses and tops. And my hubby would've loved the Nintendo 64 deal!


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