I don't think I've mentioned it before, but I love invented spelling. I love little-kid-sounding-out-word spelling. God love her, Bee has inherited my spelling. She can read anything, but spelling appears to be more of a challenge. She loves making books and magazines and made some fun things this summer.
Here's a book called The Dinosaur Bone. Dinosaur is spelled Dineusr. Illustrated is spelled ilrstratd.
Here's the first page: Once there was a little boy. The little boy wanted to find a dinosaur bone. He went outside and he went in the garage and got a shovel.
Here a few pages later: He didn't know what to do with it. He went to his mom. His mom said, You found a dinosaur bone.
Here's a magazine she's been working on . It's a butterfly garden magazine. Here's a page that says, Some leaves will change color.
Here's another page, This is a woodpecker eating.
Here's another fiction story, The Fairy Who Wanted New Wings.
A few pages in: One Christmas day the fairy discovered that she was growing new wings.
Here's a song. I love you, yes I do, very much, I do. I love the whole world. Yes, I think I love you.
Soon she'll spell things right (or mostly, as in my case) but for now, I'm going to enjoy this invented spelling. Her goofy, silly spelling.
:) I love this. I remember making little books when I was little. What a little author you have on your hands!