
Sunday, May 29, 2016

Welcome Summer!

The last few weeks of school are always a blur of sports and awards programs and field trips and end of year meetings, activities and events and general business.  Add to that that our house was for sale briefly- 10 days, that's all it took to sell.  We however spent a full month of active house hunting.   We accidentally had four sports going.  Bee ran track and played soccer, Lou played soccer and played baseball. We won't make that mistake again, it was the trifecta of ridiculous scheduling. 

This was out first year for track.  Bee ran the 100, 200, and 4x100 relay. I now know what all that means. 

I did get to spend a day with Lou and his buddies on the third grade field trip.  

I don't normally get to go on field trips with him, but we're in the same grade this year so it worked out perfectly.   This is the first year I was in charge of planning the field trips, so I was pretty nervous and excited about the trip. 

It's always a nice day when we go to New Harmony artisan days.  It's a bit of a drive, but worth it.

Bee and Lou were both blessed with amazing teachers this year.  It's always special that hubby and I know their teachers as colleagues, but this year I consider them both friends as well.  It was a special year for both of them. 

Talk about being blessed!  I have a great team to serve with.  Here's the awesome third grade team of teachers at field day.  

There they are, the 22 friends I spent the year with.  My team crushed the competition.   Moore's Unicorns!  

I told my class that if they doubled their AR goal I would reward them with a sweet treat,  Two tables worth of kids did!  After school one day we walked over to Wedny's for a frosty.  Lucky Lou got to join us (he tripled his goal- so it was well earned).  

 The last day of school the kids and I decided that we should get up extra early and go out for breakfast before school.  Dear Hubby thought we were nuts and decided not to get up any easier than necessary.   Lou was up by 5:15m dressed and ready while I finished up on the elliptical.  We went to school with stuffed bellies that last day! 

I try to start sending things home with my students early in the week so their parents don't end up with kitten tables that look like this.  I don't think there's any avoiding it.  Here's the contents of their backpacks. I left this pile for two days. We ate in the living room, and no one complained! 

We got out a day or two before many other schools in the area so first day of summer break we headed for the water park.  We rode all the rides (over and over again) while most kids were still in school! The staff at our school was assigned summer reading (Love Does by Bob Goff) and I was already hearing from other teachers how great the book was, so the kids played in the wave pool and I found a shady spot and got reading. This book has been on our bookshelf at home for about two years and I can't believe I've waited this long.  Hubby is reading it too.  It's a super read!

Welcome summer!  We are ready for you!

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