
Monday, June 20, 2016

Baby shower and lots of sewing part 1

My little sister's baby shower was this weekend.  The kids and I drove up to the farm to stay and got to join in the fun.  And I got poison ivy... I always take a treat home from her house! 

Littlest siter, me, mama to be, Bee, sister in law

sister in law, me, little sister, our mama

It was a fun shower, hosted by her mother in law.  I planned two games and brought the punch.  I was happy to host again if needed, but was so glad when she offered.  We're trying to get ready for a move and I had a lot of sewing projects I wanted to get to for the baby.  I did the bridal shower last year and was glad to share the party planning! 

Isn't she cute?  And she feels super.  It's ok to hate her a little.  She's having a boy- I think I felt worse with Bee than Lou... I just remember I was sick a lot.  All day.  For months. 

I'll share my sewing project tomorrow, but my mom and I teamed up on some goodies for the nursery.  I did the quilt and she did the curtains.  It's a precious little room! 

Lou went, but announced it was mostly for cake. 

The two games I planned were a baby food taste testing and a name that tune game.  I just used a pre-made song compilation I found online. 

We also got to celebrate my mom's birthday.  It's not for two months, but she's moved so far away (11 hours!), we won't see her then.  

My kids always go right for the swing in the tree.  Can you see her- the tiny little thing flying through the air?  I think our new house can have a tree swing! 

My brother and his sweet wife drove down from Michigan and we always enjoy a visit from them.  My brother taught us a new card game he's been playing with his students- exploding kittens.  Here we are learning with our hands showing.  It's was complicated and a little weird, but my kids learned it the next morning and really liked it! 

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