
Sunday, September 4, 2016

Baby Love

That sister of mine has had her baby.  And he's pretty wonderful.  

Welcome George Edward!  
8-20-16  1:30 am  
6 pounds 5 ounces   19 1/4 inches

This sweet little guy was breech and scheduled to arrive via c-section.  He had his own plans and decided to arrive a week before the planned date.  My sister's water broke after dinner on Friday.  She had taught her little firsties that day, completing the first week of school.  She called me at 7 and I got to the hospital at 1am.  My little van could not get me there fast enough!  My sister spent the night in a hospital waiting room for the arrival of Bee 11 years ago, this time it was my turn.  Baby arrive at 1:30 and I was able to go back to the room about 3:45am.  I got a lot of graing done in the waiting room. And listened to Hunger Games on audiobook.  If you want to talk Hunger Games- I'm in!

Here he is meeting Grandparents.  

His timing was great.  I got to spend the whole weekend up there and gt home in time for school on Monday.  

My sister is doing great. I think his daddy's doing alright too. 

Being an aunt is pretty great too.

So much preciousness- it's just about too much to handle!

His puppy likes him a little too.

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