
Tuesday, September 6, 2016

summer of baseball (and other sports)

Hubby and I determined early on that this was the summer of baseball for our family. 

Here we are enjoying the local farm team.  

Lou finished up one season where he played on two teams, our regular spring team and the 'Nationals' league as well.  Then we went right into summer all-stars.  It was more baseball than I ever expected to experience, and all in just the short months of the summer. 

It was a hot one too. 

There was a bit of gear involved in All-Stars. (Which explains why it's so expensive to play!)

We didn't have a super successful season if you're counting wins.  But the boys had fun and learned some new skills.  

At some point we snuck in a basketball camp. 

And I snuck in some shirt making... 

My sweet neighbor made these flip flop clips for me and Bee. 

What's a sister to do during all this baseball?  Eat form the concession stand. 

Make friends.  Read.  

Watch a little ball.  Maybe. 

Here are my two favorite player.  Lou and the cutest coach out there. 

Eventually, Bee embraced the baseball lifestyle.  

My sister sent me a picture of her little ball player in a hand-me-down onsie from Lou and I sent her this picture back.  

It seems like no time that he went from that onsie to this ball outfit.  Oh time, slow down. 

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