
Friday, March 11, 2011


I can't get anymore late than this I suppose. Tomorrow starts the next weekend and this is stuff from last weekend. The nature center where I volunteer has been undergoing major renovations.  It's mostly done, so they hosted the annual Sugarbush festival there.  We had pancakes with maple syrup made from the trees right outside the doors.  Lou thought the sausage was delicious.

Bee said that she didn't really want to go and would keep her hood up in protest the entire time.  She's going to be a fun teenager.

There was a folk band playing unusual instruments.  I don't even know what instrument this is, but it had a very cool sound to it. 

We took the sugarbush nature walk and learned all about the making of maple syrup.  We were a the end of the group and really couldn't hear anything.  Luckily, I teach a lesson on maple syrup for the program I volunteer with.  Unfortunately, it's for preschoolers, so I only know the simple explanations of things.   Hubby and the kids got the simple version of the tour.

Here's the finished syrup in the sugar shack.  It smelled delicious.

Bee's participated in young authors this year and her story was on display at the library.  It was supposed to be on display, there was some kind of mix up or miscommunication and her classes books didn't get delivered. Something.  Author Jane Yolen was there to speak to the young authors. 

There was a good bit of waiting, more than the boys can handle, but we got to stand in line and meet her and get her to sign a few books for us.

She's the author of Owl Moon, Devil's Arithmetic, the dinosaur series:  How do Tyrannosaurus Say Goodnight, etc; a total of about 300 books.

A little over a year ago we met Jan Brett.  After meeting Jane Yolen, all I could think about was a woman we sat by at the Jan Brett signing.  She was at this signing too.  I couldn't say for sure it was her until we got home and I looked at my blog to see the old pictures.  Yep, it was her.  Blogging is good for something.   I should have said hello.

1 comment:

  1. The instrument is a hammered dulcimer! You're right - they do sound super cool!


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