
Friday, December 24, 2010


No, we haven't changed our Santa thoughts.  We don't do the whole Santa thing.  That's just our choice, don't look so sad.  We do like to go to the library when they have Santa there.  He does a whole program with singing and story telling.  It's really neat.   If we were going to tell them there was a real Santa, this would be the guy.

He is the kindest Santa I've ever met.

Bee took a visit with him, Lou preferred not to. 

We stayed until the very end, thinking that Lou might change his mind about a visit.  Hubby wanted to thank him for his time and Santa even pulled out a few other books to share other favorite holiday books.   He loves Jan Brett books.  Bee reminded me on the way home that we have an extra signed book sticker from when we met Jan Brett.  If we remember, we'll take it to him next year.  Bee will remember. 

So, we've all along told both kids that Santa doesn't watch to see if they've been good, he doesn't come to the house, he isn't the bearer of good gifts, etc.  Bee has been just fine with this and seems happy to be in on the whole 'trick.'  Lou seems confused.  The day after this library trip, he said, 

Lou: Santa is pretend, right?
Me, the Mama Bee:  right.
Lou:  But, he is coming to our house right?
MB:  no honey, he is just a character from a story. He was a man in a costume, just like when we went to see Clifford the big red dog. 
Lou:  But he is sending me a present, right?
MB:  Do you want to pretend that Santa comes to our house and brings you a present?
Lou:  I want him to come down our chimney like at my friend's house.

Oh well. 

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