Thursday, April 14, 2016

Easter- escape room style

Happy Easter from our family to yours!

The kids asked for their scavenger hunt for their Easter treats, so inspired by a recent trip to an escape room (the most fun I've ever had!), I made up a new type of hunt.  In this one, they had to find number codes before being given the next clue.  

When they went to our stack of HP books, after some searching, they noticed a little paper scrap bookmark.  The page number it was marking was the numbered answer.  499.

Here's another, a little more Easter appropriate.  I should have led with that one. This verse is on one of the crosses on our ever growing wall of crosses.  

They needed to locate it and figure out what part of was the numbered code.  

They considered the price tag on the back, but it was the verse reference numbers, which Lou eventually got.  

Another clue simply said "see the beauty" and led them to this picture that hangs in Bee's room.  They considered the mirrors around the house and Bee's 'makeup' collection before Daddy casually guided them to the real clue. 

On the back was a clock, whose time was the numbered answer.  645

Another clue led them to Lou's derby cars.  This was harder for them as they had to find the two years I was looking for and put the numbers in the right order.  5016!

There were 15 or so of these, which of course kept them busy for only a few minutes.  Then it led them to this little Easter treat.  They get showered with goodies from the grandparents and only needed a small treat from us.

All this has me thinking how I can use something like this in the classroom!  I'm getting some ideas. 

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