Tuesday, April 5, 2016

wrestling, not so much

Lou tried wrestling this year.  This is the only photographic proof, as he wrestled only these two matches and decided he'd just cheer on the team from the sidelines for the rest of the season.  Hubby has started a wrestling program at our school and is coaching.  Lou was very unsure of doing it as there is the business of the singlet and the headgear, but mostly the fact that all those crazy fans are watching just you and another dude.  And those fans are CRAZY!  We are a new program in a serious wrestling town.  We were in a little over our heads. 

One match he was pinned in about a minute and the other match he held his own until the very end of the last round.  He did enjoy practice and watching his friends at meets, so who knows, he might do it again next year.  He did not go the weigh-in for the all city meet as he had no intention of participating, but when it came time we learned he would have been uncontested in his weightless and would have taken first place for the city by default!  I thought he be disappointed and we prepared to give a speech about not deserving a trophy we didn't earn anyway, but he was totally cool with it.  

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