In the summer, I sit at the pool while the kiddos swim and I devour magazines. I have to get them at the recycling center because I go through at least two a day. I tore out a picture and recipe for this delicious strawberry peach rustic tart like free form pie yumminess. I think it was from Woman's Day or Family Circle or Real Simple. I read lots of different magazines and sometimes they're old. I read a wonderful article the other day from a 1995 Healthy Cooking magazine. I can't use them for fashion advice, but the cooking doesn't change. I tell the kids its safer when they have friends over if I'm on the deck instead of in the pool. I'm not sure I can support that with evidence, but it works.

Anyway, then I misplaced the torn out recipe. No worries, pinterest saved the day. I found a few similar recipes. I ended up using a recipe from Sally's baking Addiction for this rustic galette. (I found other similar recipes at Couple of Cooks and Simply Recipes) We had peaches on the counter and strawberries in the garden. The low producers I mentioned the other day, have recently sprung forth with a new round of berries. And since I always keep butter on hand, lots of butter, we were ready to make this.
Rustic Fruit Galette
3 ripe peaches (peel, and slice thinly), 2 cups fresh strawberries (sliced- Bee's job), 2 T sugar, 1 t vanilla (the real stuff if you can! My brother gets mine from Mexico- ask your brother for some- or ask my brother.)
-Combine these items in a bowl and set aside while you prepare the crust.
Whisk together- 1 and 1/2 cups flour, 3 T sugar, 1/4 t salt
Cut in: 1/2 cup (1 stick) cold unsalted butter (I throw it in the freezer for 15 min)
Add: 1/4 cup ice water, plus more as needed (I added an additional 2-3T)
Knead his dough gently and quickly until it's not sticky. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 1 hour... unless you're in a hurry, or really hungry, then refrigerate for 15-20 minutes.
Pull out of fridge and unwrap. Using additional flour as needed, roll out into a thin pie crust like shape. I rolled it right on my baking stone. I know lots of people like parchment paper, I'm a fan of the stone.
Add fruit (use a slotted spoon) to the center of crust circle and then fold up edges over the top. If you want pictures to guide you here, use one of the links above. I was too buttery at this point to take pictures. Pour about 2 T of the remaining juice over the fruit portion.
Optional: Beat 1 egg for an egg wash over the crust portion. You could also sprinkle a little sugar on the egg wash.
I also made a simple glaze to add to the top after it was slightly cooled. I mixed the remaining fruit juice, which was about 1-2 T with enough powdered sugar to make a little glaze.
Bake for 25-35 minutes or until the crust is golden brown at a 425 degree oven. Allow to slightly cool before serving.
This dessert put us all in such a nice mood that we suffered from some temporary insanity and invited some neighbor friends over for a late night movie. Unfortunately, movies can't be started until 8:20ish and that makes for a late late night. It's hard to get up for early church when you're 7 and were up until 10:00 pm.
In these pictures, the kids are singing along to Frozen sound track while we wait for the sun to set. The popcorn was gone before the movie started.