Monday, September 26, 2011

Apples... lots of apples

This was not this past weekend because it's cold and we've had nothing but rain. nothing. but. rain.

But, we did recently take the kiddos out to pick apples.

39 pounds of apples!

We ended up at a new place and loved it.  I see this family at the farmers market most weeks and have purchased blueberries, peaches and apples from their stand but we finally drove out to the orchard. 

Bee picked the perfect apple, complete with stem and leaf.  Who would she give such an apple to?  Her teacher of course.  She kept track of that apple amongst 39 pounds of apples. 

 What does 39 pounds get you?  A weekend in the kitchen.  A full bowl of fresh apples, 1 delicious apple kuchen, 8 1/2 qt apple sauce,  4 pt canned apples,  2 qt apple juice, 3 pt apple butter,  and some apple jelly that has yet to be made.    There would have been at least another quart of apple sauce and apple juice, but my food mill broke mid use.  That silly food mill.

1 comment:

JoAnna said...

I beat you, I picked 42 or 43 pounds yesterday, I forget. My post is coming up, tomorrow, I think. And then I'll be canning all weekend.