I mentioned to a friend that I needed some soup recipes since I hadn't not made a lot of it in FL. She shared this delicious but rather intensive recipe for french onion soup. I was craving a nice soup bowl. so here's recipes for both.

Bread Bowl:
2 package yeast (each packet has 2 1/4 t)
2 1/2 c water
2 t salt
2 T vege oil
7 c flour
1 T cornmeal
Dissolve yeast in warm water. Let sit 10 ish minutes (or longer if a fight over the big dinosaur distracts you). Add other ingredients. Knead. Rise 1 hour (or longer if you're running out to target to find Brutus the monster truck that your little guy thought he was getting for Christmas that he did not get). punch down. Separate into 6 pieces. Dust with cornmeal. Form each into a ball. Let rise about 1 more hour (or a little less if there is crying about when dinner will be done). Bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes.
Let cool, then cut a circle out and scoop out some of the inside without scraping too thin like I did on some. Use some of the filling pieces to toast. Place a few pieces of cheese over too. Top the soup with this.

Here's the soup. My sister suggested some goggles when the onions were killing my eyes. I agree that it is less than flattering, but it did work.

French Onion Soup
1/2 c unsalted butter
4 onions, sliced (I used 3 large ones and it was enough)
2 garlic cloves, chopped (just realized that I forgot to add this)
2 bay leaves
2 fresh thyme springs (I used dried thyme instead)
kosher salt and ground pepper
1 c red wine (about 1/2 bottle)
3 heaping T flour
2 qt beef broth
1/2 pound grated gruyere
(1 baguette, sliced if not using a bread bowl)
mix stick butter in a large pot over medium heat. Add the onions, garlic, bay leaves, thyme, and salt and pepper and cook until onions are very soft and caramelized, about 25 minutes.

Add the wine and bring to boil. reduce to simmer. Simmer until wine has evaporated and the onions are dry. This took about 15 minutes. Remove bay leaves and rosemary stems. Dust the onions with flour and give them a stir. Turn the heat to low so the flour doesn't burn and cook 10 minutes.

Add beef broth. Bring back to simmer and cook 10 minutes. Season with salt and pepper if desired. Top with toasted bread and sliced gruyere cheese (or other hard swiss).

yum! (This must have been one of the bowls that I got a little thin on the inside, it's a little leaky). I think it must have made 10 servings.

I will say that this soup recipe was a little too much for me. It was a lot of standing over the stove and smelling onions. It was pretty yummy, but took too long. Since hubby doesn't like onions, I think this one will be a rare make at our house.
Do you have a favorite warm soup recipe. Leave a comment and share a link to your blog or favorite recipe online. We're freezing in IN and some warm soup could sure hit the spot.