I mentioned briefly the other day that I've been teaching some classes at our local fabric shop. I haven't really said anything about it on here since I don't know really what I can share from the classes. I'm sure all the patterns and plans are copyrighted and such. Plus, I don't know the people taking the classes so it's weird for me to take pictures during class. Sometimes they are children's classes and then I feel funny about publishing kids pictures if I don't know them. (I do know these kids.)

It's a large chain fabric store (perhaps you recognize the color scheme). I figure that if I don't say the name of the store maybe....? It probably doesn't matter. I don't actually work for the store, I am an outside instructor. So anyway with that being said... I taught two classes this past week and we made three fun projects.
We made pillows,

lamp shades,

and memo boards.

I am really enjoying teaching here. I have liked all the sewing classes and kids craft classes. The only one I didn't care for as much was teaching knitting. One of my student's struggled so much I thought she was going to get up and walk out. Two and a half hours is a long time to sit and show someone the knit stitch. Over and over and over. She didn't walk out and I didn't have to cry.
Another awesome thing about teaching these classes is that I can take other classes for free. Cake decorating here I come!
I hope the green beans are waiting for winter. You need a lot of patience to work 2 1/2 hours with a group of little girls. You earn the free adult classes. You will be able to make Bee a cake that see designs just like Food Network.
when did you find out about free classes???? I didnt know this!
I need to teach so I can take crochet and knitting classes for free. How did you find out about becoming an instructor?
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