Wednesday, June 15, 2011

other camp out ideas

I promise this will be the last camp out party related post.  During my research for activities for the party, I came across several other ideas that I liked, but I wasn't able to use, mostly because the boys at our party were 4ish.  Here are some of the other ideas:

Mosquito GameGive each player a sheet of dot stickers (preferably red!) that will represent mosquito bites. Throughout the evening, try to get rid of your stickers by giving the others players “mosquito bites”! Do this by secretly placing stickers on other players. Be careful…if you are caught you have to keep your mosquito bite sticker. The first player to get rid of their stickers is the winner!

walking stick craft-  Here's one we do at the nature center.  We give the kids regular stickers and foam stickers to decorate 1/2 inch pvc pipe.  These sticks are then used as walking sticks.  These are about 3 feet lengths but you could sure adjust that for different sized kiddos.

This pipe is gray and one of the other instructors there calls it conduit.  I don't know if it's different in anything other than color from the white PVC piping.  It's really sturdy and does make a good walking stick.

Flashlight tag-  If you get flashed with the light and you are it.

sleeping bag races- Have kids hop into sleeping bags or pillowcases and race potato sack style.

run to dress up-  Have a backpack full of clothes at one end and have kids race down and dress up in the camp clothes and race to another spot where they remove the camp wear and the next kiddo races to put them on.

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