Friday, July 15, 2011

our turn

It was our turn, finally, to have a yard sale. When I looked at everything, I though, "Gosh, it's all old junk."  I guess that's what everyone puts out; their old junk.  My sister and my mom were in town so I made them sit out with me all morning. 

I had a few extra of these:  They didn't sell.

My sister brought this picnic basket which I traded her a weed eater for.  The suitcase didn't sell, probably because I had $3 on it.  I have just seen them for craft projects lately and I knew someone would be crazy for it.  They weren't.  It was in the box of things my Grandma sent over.  We were going to give my cousin the profits for his Eagle Scout project.  I think I have $4 for him. 

I put out a few of these cabinet doors for my neighbor.  One sold to a very happy man.  Apparently he had been been looking for such a door.  My sister bought a few to make a headboard.  I can't wait to see it.

I sold ALL of these old patterns.  They were in a bunch of boxes my Grandma and her sister sent me to go through.  There must have been 5 boxes. I kept about 2 1/2 boxes worth of the stuff and put some in the yard sale. A little just got tossed (shhhhh). I kept most of the fabric, but some of it, scraps mostly, I bagged up and sold to a woman who was so excited to find them that she hugged me.  We got talking and she even came inside to see my sewing area.  We are pretty much best friends now.

Bee and Lou had a lemonade stand.  Between that and what they put out, they each made about $6.  Hubby always does the best.  He sold our old grill, his golf clubs (finally!), and the old-school nintendo he bought a few weeks ago at a sale (for a profit!), old hunting clothes and some sirus radio antenna thingy.  We have $4 for my cousin's Eagle Scout project which isn't going to get him very far.   I think my sister and I mostly traded with each other so we both probably broke even!


Angie - Big Bears Wife said...

I really really really need to have a yard sale as well!

JoAnna said...

My mom and I had a yard sale a couple of years in a row. One weekend, this old guy started to drive by, pulled over and looked out his window, didn't even get out and said "Hey, that's the same CRAP you had out last year!".