Tuesday, September 1, 2009

grocery list

I have used our grocery store game cards for awhile now, but thought we might try something else recently. I typed up grocery lists with pictures I got from google. I made two lists with different items, easier ones for Lou (milk, eggs, butter, etc) and put the trickier things on Bee's list (vanilla, lemon juice, etc) When we were are the grocery, both kids had their list and a pencil and we searched down the lists. Crossing the things off the list was the favorite part.

Next time I will make the two lists the same. At one point, Lou didn't want to let me see his list and I didn't know what we needed. Bee as always, was complainant and loves a game. They both enjoyed the hunt and it kept them from fighting for at least one grocery trip... except when we were down to one pencil. Sharing wasn't working- I back tracked, found the dropped pencil, and restored peace.


Anonymous said...

It's amazing how many conflicts have been over a pencil

Love Always,


M and E said...

That's an awesome idea! My youngest is too young for this game, but it would keep my 3-year-old occupied for sure!

The sleeves on the coral make-over sweater are 3/4, not full length.